Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hello blog!

Oh yes! I can finally begin. As I stay up crafting and creating night after night, I have often thought of how that evenings particular craft would look on MY very own blog. I would love to share my project with others besides my poor loving husband.

I really enjoy reading other crafty blogs and forums and have gained so much inspiration from them. Sometimes I am inspired beyond control. I have many (MANY, MANY) times ran out to the craft store or off to cyber world and purchased all of the supplies for some new item I have to make. Of course I am going to make tons of them and give them as gifts or even sell them. This is what I tell myself and my poor understanding hubby. But we both know I am a collector. One look in the spare bedroom/office/catch-all room and you will know this. I collect ribbon, fabric, rhinestones, yarn, tulle, and so much more!

How did this happen?? Well, I grew up crafting, but had no idea that is what it was. My grandmother is the queen of crochet! Of course I know your grandmother may also be the queen of crochet, or maybe your mother. We all know a queen of crochet. Even so, my grandmother is definitely my inspiration. I remember digging in her HUGE collection of yarn and other goodies as a child. This is actually one of my favorite memories as a child. My aunt is quiet crafty also (her daughter), although she lives in Oklahoma while I grew up in California and hardly saw her craftiness in person. She would send out Christmas gifts of handmade wonder. Yes, even my mother is a bit crafty. The tom-boy of all tom-boys, my mother, had yarn around the house as well as leather punches and a closet of other goodies that were put away upon the arrival of her favorite hobby: children.

See that is where my mother and I differ. She halted all creating in the name of creating children, whereas I decided once pregnant with my first daughter that I would be as crafty as possible. I had read once a cute saying, "I'm so crafty, I make people!" I love that saying! I now have crafted three beautiful children and have a bedroom full of supplies (along with half the garage, half of the kitchen counter, and sometimes the kitchen table too).

Upon the arrival of my twin boys, we have decided for me to reduce my busy day job to a very part time job. This way I can raise our children and maybe take this crafting thing seriously. I really want to get my etsy site going to contribute to our household some. Who am I kidding?? I just want to make a little money to pay for supplies. HAHA! And while I'm at it, I want to share my tricks along the way. I do need to save money now that we are living off of nearly one income, so I plan to share some tricks to saving money as I learn them too.

That is a little about me and how we will begin. So as I continue on my crafting journey, I ask you to join me in my experiments and maybe I will finish a project or two.